

The manual medicine/Chirotherapy is not medical practice of modern times — already in ancient times there has been trained in many peoples, who were able to help relieve symptoms by handles on spine and limbs or eliminate. Hippocrates, the ancestor of all doctors, wrote down not only the oath named after him, but treated his patients with hand grips.

The method of modern manual medicine has evolved - after establishing a first school in 1894 in Kirksville (United States) - especially in the last 50 years significantly and was placed on a scientific basis.

In Germany, a small group of doctors 1953 founded the first German-speaking society of chiropractic, later the 3 large physician seminars are merged to the German society for manual medicine.

Manual medicine

used mainly for spinal, joint and muscle pain, neck strain, such as on lumbago or sciatica. With special techniques, by a doctor specialising in manual medicine/Chirotherapy "Movement play" of a joint and the impact of the examined on the region of the body, the corresponding block (dysfunction) or muscular tension. He uses manipulative procedures as well as mobilize soft techniques of part of.

-Depending on the need - physiotherapic treatments prescribed to prevent a relapse or create training programs in following a successful treatment. The manual medicine/Chirotherapy is a globally recognized treatment method and has taken a permanent place in the conventional medicine.

The manual medicine is painless and harmless provided, it is a specialist at work.

Uses special techniques, so called joint blocks (dysfunctions) can be treated with mobilizing soft part techniques as well as with manipulative procedures (short, rapid movement with minimal effort). These handles may trigger a clear audible cracking, what but do not have and exclusive character of successful treatment is.

Not suitable for all patients and patients is also a generally non-hazardous and gentle way such as the manual medicine and osteopathy. Diseases of pre-existing different can even prohibit a treatment with this method. The assessment of risks, as well as the indication belongs is therefore essential in the hand of a manual-medically trained doctor.

Your doctor for manual medicine/Chirotherapy is the specialist for the treatment of pain of the locomotor system, i.e. the spine, joints and muscles.


+34 971 68 5333 / Paguera

+34 871 57 0606 / Eye Clinic

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