All of us have had to deal with COVID-19 for more than two and a half years now.
And, even if the virus is no longer the main topic in the news and the Corona measures are being scaled back almost everywhere in the world, it will still be with us for quite a while longer.
Even if COVID-19 should "only" be classified as epidemic influenza, the consequences of an infection should still not be underestimated. What should not be overlooked is that influenza is a serious disease that claimed tens of thousands of lives worldwide every year in the period before Corona - and therefore is not a "simple" cold, even if these two terms are often used interchangeably in everyday speech. After two and a half years of pandemic and unprecedented vaccine development, we now have a large body of evidence based on scientific studies. And it is important to rely on large-scale studies because, with 500 million people infected worldwide, six million deaths and ten billion doses of vaccine administered, they are more meaningful than the accounts of individuals who, for example, had a mild course of the disease or severe side effects of vaccination.
What we now know for certain:
* Vaccinated individuals have a significantly lower rate of infection and milder courses overall.
* Vaccinated people can still become infected and thus spread the infection.
* The vaccination’s effect and protection diminish over time.
* Severe vaccine side effects, regardless of the vaccine, are statistically detectable only to an irrelevant extent.
* Recovered individuals also have protection similar to that of vaccinated people, but this protection decreases over time; moreover, they may become re-infected.
* Unvaccinated people have the highest risk of infection, severe courses, and also mortality due to COVID-19.
* Younger people are statistically more likely to have mild courses, while older people are more likely to have severe courses.
COVID-19 is and remains a severe viral disease, so infection should continue to be avoided and vaccination is still recommended - even if it should be needed even more frequently than is currently known.
After only two and a half years, research into the medium- and long-term consequences of this disease cannot yet provide any comprehensive findings. However, it is considered certain that
* even mild courses of infection can have very different serious consequences,
* these consequences can disappear again after some time, and
* in some cases, however, people have been suffering from late effects for more than one and a half years. These late effects can have very different symptoms. Quite often there is a lack of strength and exhaustion due to insufficient oxygen supply through the lungs. Neurological disorders, skin problems or hair loss have also occurred after COVID-19 infection, along with a number of other symptoms.
In order to be able to heal or at least alleviate these post-COIVD-19 symptoms, we have developed some treatment concepts. Please do not hesitate to contact us!