
Contact us

Please use our contact form for all online enquiries. First choose a suitable subject, enter a valid email address or phone number so that we can answer you too. Alternatively to the online contact form, please contact of course call us during our business hours.

Your request in the right hands ends up you can also directly select a recipient. In the field of "Concern", write your wishes or your actual message - click "Send enquiry" Finally on the button. The next page generates an email and sends it directly to your right person. Thank you very much!

Please note that with * marked fields must be filled out.

    Details about your request

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    If you use our contact form, generates an unencrypted email to the email recipient of your choice. If you request a copy of this will be sent also clear text to the E-Mail address specified by you. If you do not want this please telephone contact.

    * By submitting your request, you agree to the processing of your entered personal data to answer the request. For further information and notes on revoking this consent, please refer to the data protection declaration.


    +34 971 68 5333 / Paguera

    +34 871 57 0606 / Eye Clinic

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    Important notices

    Acute Medical Treatment and Preventive Healthcare

    Emergency Consultation Every Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00

    Opening Hours in Palmanova:
    Mon, Tue, Wed: 08:00 - 15:00
    Thu: 08:00 - 13:00
    Friday: By appointment

    Opening Hours in Paguera:
    Mon, Thu, Fri: 09:00 - 16:00
    Tue: 09:00 - 18:00
    Wed: 09:00 - 14:00